St. Luke's Church in Darien, CT, is running a series called Aging with Grace. Information below. To find out where St. Luke's is, visit their website at Starting This Sunday...November 1, 2009 NEW Discovery Hour Series: Aging with Grace 9:00 a.m. Sundays in the Parish Hall |
Finding Our Own Storyteller Within What greater legacy can we leave behind for those we love than our own personal life story? Laconia (Lot) Therrio is a therapist, Stamford Hospital Chaplain, and master professional story teller who utilizes stories from around the world for therapeutic healing and enjoyment. Today, he will borrow from his own life experience as well as scripture, from ancient Wisdom Literature to Jesus' storytelling, to inspire the autobiographer who lives inside us all. It's an hour of entertainment that promises to be useful as well as fun!The How and When of Making Difficult Is it still okay for me to continue living alone? If my doctor says "Stop driving," then what? When do these lifestyle changes begin, who is involved in the decision-making, and how does it all become real? Carole Edelman is a certified clinical specialist in gerontology. She is a former faculty member at Yale University School of Nursing and is presently Director of Geriatric Care Management at Waveny Care Network in New Canaan. Her distinguished career as nurse/author/teacher uniquely qualifies her as a compassionate and sensitive advocate for older people and their families. Come hear her wise counsel on many of the tough choices with which aging confronts us.Lifestyle Changes Beating Brain Drain It's no longer a secret that mental stimulation through educational classes, mind games, and challenging reading can keep our brains agile and strong, warding off Alzheimer's and other related diseases. "Bobby" Klau holds a Master's Degree in Education, has worked with seniors for over 20 years, and developed "Exercise Your Mind," a course in methods of memory retention, which she teaches in the Hartford area. Come learn about the important benefits and techniques for exercising your mind.November 22: Neal Campbell and Lynda Tyson - You Only Die Once, So Do It Right: Imagine the grace and peace of mind we could give our family members, now and later, by preparing thoughtful and clear direction about end-of-life issues, including a funeral plan. Experience has shown that once we start thinking about funeral and memorial decisions - creating a personal and beautiful liturgy, planning music, readings, Communion (or not), flowers and a final resting place - it can be a satisfying and joy-filled experience for us, too. Saint Luke's own Organist and Director of Music Ministries, Neal Campbell, and The Rev. Lynda Tyson are armed with resources, information, easy-to-use planning materials, and even a few priceless stories to share.The Priceless Gift of Funeral Plans |
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