August Activities for Seniors in Darien

The director of Aging in Place+Gallivant, Gina Blum, has just sent out her monthly e-newsletter listing all the activities that seniors living in our area might like to attend. I think it's a wonderful service that Gina performs for those who have signed up to be on the email list. If you'd like to be included on the mailing list, just contact her at:

To see the list of activities, just go to the Aging in Place+Gallivant website's activities page:

NEED A RIDE to activities or to an appointment?
Call Aging in Place+Gallivant!
Aging in Place+Gallivant offers transportation services for Darien seniors and the disabled Monday through Friday from 9:00am to 5:00pm within Darien, Stamford, Norwalk and New Canaan.  They have 2 vehicles on the road at our busiest times – a 12 passenger, handicap accessible van, and a 4 passenger sedan.  Call their dispatch number at 203-655-2227 to make a reservation (24 hour advance notice and a voluntary contribution are appreciated).  For your convenience, this number is serviced 24 hours a day by our dispatcher, Drivers Unlimited, where you will speak to a person to make a reservation.   For service to other locations, at times when Gallivant is not in service, or when you need a person to pick you up from a medical appointment, call the Aging in Place+Gallivant office for a Friendly Volunteer Driver at 203-585-4094.
Aging in Place+Gallivant is the place to call for information and referral to senior programs and services.

Their mission: Helping Darien seniors live independently, comfortably and with dignity in their own homes and the community as long as possible