New Transportation Options for Seniors

New York City is going to use school buses to take seniors to the grocery store. I love the idea of using idle school buses, but an article in the New York Times made it sound like some seniors are dubious. The city is also going to use a taxi voucher program.

Here in Darien, Connecticut, we've introduced a taxi voucher program so that our older residents can ride in Everyready Taxis for half fare. Call Darien Social Services for more information:
Olive Hauser at 656-7328, e-mail her at or visit the Town Hall Social Services office.

What do you think are the best options we can give to seniors to help those who can't drive?

Here is a link to the NY Times article:

School Buses May Give Older New Yorkers a Lift
Published: August 26, 2009
Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg announced an initiative that would help New Yorkers who are 60 and older with transportation and would renovate senior centers.

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