Yesterday, I posted information about the Aging In Place conference on September 26 in Madison, CT. It's being run by the Connecticut Interfaith Network on Aging. 8:30 am - 4 pm.
Afternoon tea afterward.
Here's a sampling of workshops included in the program:
10:45 - 11:45
Fitness and the Older Adult
An Integrated Approach to Senior Transportation
Home Modification Made Easy
Aging at Home/Sharing a Home
Remininsence: A key to Spiritual Well Being
1:15 - 2:15
The Many Faces of Faith in Action
Living Well with Illness
Fostering Independence through Safe Housing
Money Management Services for Seniors
Growing Old: the last great adventure
The conference is for caregivers, social workers, families, friends, parish visitors, aides, chaplians, nurses, clergy, therapists, advocates and volunteers and elders who wish insights into their own aging.
Registration is $45.
There's also a retreat on Monday eve, Sept. 25. for an extra $10 on The Spirituality of Receiving Care. But food and lodging are separate. To learn more about the cost of dinner and lodging, call: Kathie Fleischauer at the Mercy Center at 203.245.0401 and tell her that you're going to the CINA conference.
The site for the conference, The Mercy Center, in Madison, CT, looks great!
Make checks payable to CINA-IVC and mail to: CINA-Interfaith Volunteer Care Givers, 30 Gillies Road, Hamden, CT 06517
Include your name, organization, address & phone. Tell them if you're going to the Monday retreat, too.
Call Barbara Barlock at 203.230.8994 with questions.
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