Aging in Place Initiative - Livable Communities

Wow! I was so surprised to find the Aging in Place Initiative. (Take a look -- What a great site that has information of all kinds for anyone who wants to know how to create livable communities for all ages -- keeping seniors in the community. Here are some important facts from their site:
Facts Print

Population Facts

  • By 2030, nearly one in five Americans—71.5 million people—will be over age 65.
  • Today, there are more than 35 million Americans age 65 or above—a tenfold increase in the 65 and over population since 1900. Over the next 25 years, that number will double, and one in every five Americans will be age 65 or older.
  • Contrary to popular belief, only a small minority move to warmer climates upon retirement. Fewer than 5 percent of the 65 and over population reside in nursing homes. Instead, most Americans choose to age in place, within the same communities where they have long lived.

Housing Facts

  • Homeownership rates among adults age 65 and above, at more than 80 percent, are higher than the national average.
  • One in every four renters age 50 and above pays 50 percent or more of annual income on rent.
  • The average annual cost per patient of nursing home care is more than $60,000.

Planning and Zoning Facts

  • Coming soon...

Transportation Facts

  • Only 3 percent of all trips taken by Americans age 65 and above are by bus or train.
  • 55 percent of Americans say they would prefer to walk more and drive less.
  • Individuals with health impairments or disabilities often have difficulty using fixed-route transit systems, because of factors such as poor pedestrian accessibility or the lack of accessible design features at buses and rail stations.
  • One in five Americans age 65 and above does not drive.

Health and Supportive Services Facts

  • One in five older Americans does not know who to call for information about local services in their community.
  • Low-income areas typically have one-third fewer grocery stores than middle and high-income neighborhoods.12
  • Older volunteers in one intergenerational program reported higher activity levels, increased strength, and a bigger support network.

Culture and Lifelong Learning Facts

  • During the next 25 years, the older Latino population will grow four-fold, from 2 million today to 8 million in 2030. The older Asian population will grow from 1 million to 4 million. In areas in states with high immigrant populations, such as Florida and Texas, the growth will be even more dramatic.
  • Older adults participating in weekly arts programs reported better health, fewer doctor visits, and less medication usage.
  • Only 1 in 3 older adults today has access to the Internet.

Public Safety Facts

  • More than one-third of older adults interviewed in a national survey identify crime as a problem in their neighborhoods.
  • In a national survey by the AdvantAge Initiative, 34 percent of older adults report crime as a problem in their neighborhoods. Crime is the top problem reported by African-American and Hispanic older adults.
  • It is estimated that 1 to 2 million Americans age 65 and above have suffered elder abuse; however, detecting and preventing elder abuse is inherently difficult. Many victims are isolated and do not know where to turn for redress. For every one case of elder abuse that is documented, approximately five cases go unreported.

Civic Engagement and Volunteer Opportunities Facts

  • Research has shown that older adults prefer working with children and youth more than any other volunteer activity.
  • Young people who participate in intergenerational programs show measurable improvements in school attendance and attitudes toward school.

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